Razzies 2020: 10 Nominees That Make No Sense

8. Will Smith (Aladdin) - The Razzie Redeemer Award

Aladdin Will Smith

The Razzie Redeemer award was introduced a few years ago and is effectively the single "nice" award the show gives out.

The idea is to honour an actor who has returned to critical acclaim after being nominated for or winning a Razzie, having previously gone to the likes of Ben Affleck, Sylvester Stallone, Mel Gibson, and Melissa McCarthy.

Though four of this year's five nominees make sense - Jennifer Lopez, Eddie Murphy, Keanu Reeves, and Adam Sandler - the nomination for Will Smith's apparently career-saving performance in Aladdin doesn't really convince.

Sure, Smith was the best thing in the film, but Aladdin is still a totally mediocre movie, so it's tough to accept that this was really a major career turnaround for the actor. After all, he did still star in the execrable Gemini Man last year.

In terms of alternatives, what about Charlize Theron becoming a Best Actress Oscar nominee this year for Bombshell after receiving a Worst Supporting Actress nomination in 2014 for A Million Ways to Die in the West?

Or better yet, Anthony Hopkins rebounding from his dual Worst Supporting Actor nominations for Transformers: The Last Knight and Collide in 2017 with a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination this year for The Two Popes?

If Smith was going to get a Razzie Redeemer nomination at all, it'd make more sense for it to be next year, given the recent critical and commercial success of Bad Boys for Life.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.