Recasting Every Major Role In The DCEU

2. Mackenzie Davis As Lois Lane

Mackenzie Davis Halt And Catch Fire

What Happened?

Amy Adams as Lois Lane has to be the biggest wasted opportunity in the entire DCEU - even more so than Batfleck or Henry Cavill's Superman.

Adams is one of the most talented actresses of her generation, and yet her Lois hasn't ever really felt like the enterprising, intrepid reporter we all know her as - but more a tacked-on, barely enthusiastic love interest for Superman.

Adams herself recently stated that she wasn't expecting to return to the role, and believed that it was being "revamped."

The Recast

Well, as long as there's a Superman in the DCEU, there will of course be a Lois Lane, so with the aforementioned probability of a new actor playing the Man of Steel, we'll get a new Lois, too.

For starters, the new Lois needs to be younger, because the age gap between Adams and Cavill was always more noticeable than Zack Snyder ever wanted us to believe (not that there's anything inherently wrong with that).

If the role is seeking women in their late-20s and early-30s, the casting net will be huge, but there are only a select few who can bring the smarts and the spunk that the part requires.

Mackenzie Davis is a rising star if there's ever been one, giving memorable performances in Halt and Catch Fire, Black Mirror, Blade Runner 2049 and Tully over the last few years.

She's proven herself equally capable in affable comedy and tense thrillers, and given that she so-starred with our prospective Superman in 2014 rom-com That Awkward Moment, they'd probably have pretty easy, relaxed chemistry.

Davis is young and pretty but not too much of either that people might label her as an "unconvincing" Lois. She has an interesting, expressive face which has won her so many coveted roles as of late.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.