Reservoir Dogs: Every Character & Performance Ranked

7. Marvin Nash - Kirk Baltz

Reservoir Dogs

Again, another character with not much to say but Marvin Nash however is a key component to Reservoir Dogs iconography. The scene with Mr. Blonde and Marvin Nash is one of Tarantino’s finest and most memorable.

Nash is also key to other parts of the story as it is him being saved by Mr. Orange that sets off the events that lead to Eddie shooting the cop and a Mexican standoff ensuing. Along with that it is an intriguing note that Nash knew Mr. Orange was the rat yet still persisted he knew nothing of any rat. Admirable.

He's not one of the best performances and not one of the best characters, but Nash was never supposed to be and fulfilled his purpose well.


Rhys McGinley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.