Saw: Every Movie's Main Game Ranked

4. Saw X - The Scam Artists' Game

Saw 3D Joyce

Game: John rounds up a group of con artists who pretended to cure his cancer in an abandoned chemical plant in Mexico and, alongside Amanda Young, wreaks brutal revenge on them.

Even though we're now ten films deep into this iconic franchise, the latest Saw film has the simplest Jigsaw game to date. It all takes place in just one room and the traps are pretty basic. This is a low-fi game which John simply assembled with the tools he had and without necessarily doing a huge amount of pre-planning, so this is a game that immediately feels different from all the others.

For the most part, Saw X was a very impressive entry into the series - that high, franchise-best Rotten Tomatoes score speaks for itself - and its central game is no different. A ferociously tense experience that'll have entire cinemas watching through their fingers, Saw X's game rises on the strength of its painfully suspenseful set-pieces, strong visuals, and impressive cast to deliver a cinematic anxiety attack of the best kind.

Or at least, mostly.

Unfortunately, the final stretch is disappointing, anticlimactic and gets way too silly, even for this franchise. A very bland final trap, an unnecessary kid character, and the final survivor of the game being revealed as a cartoonish villain who wouldn't look out of place in a James Bond film, do let Saw X down a bit by the end. Still, for the most part, good stuff.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.