Scream VI Review: 6 Ups & 4 Downs


4. Ghostface Falls Flat

Scream VI

The marketing played-up Scream VI as featuring both the most viciously violent Ghostface to date and one who was a little "different" to the others, and while the murders certainly rank among the series' most gnarly so far, the overall execution of Ghostface this time around is rather disappointing.

It's tough to say too much about that without getting into spoiler territory, so we'll be incredibly careful how we word this.

Basically, if you're hoping for a clever and surprising whodunnit mystery akin to most of the prior movies - Scream 3 excepted - prepare to have mixed feelings.

The narrative chicanery surrounding who is behind the mask and their motive is ultimately some of the series' silliest and least-imaginative to date - perhaps even flatter than the Roman reveal in Scream 3 - enough that you don't need to be paying that much attention to figure things out.

It's a shame for a series that's prided itself on thoughtful, tough-to-guess reveals, and while predictability isn't the worst thing in the world, the fact that the Ghostface element of Scream VI pales massively compared to most others in the series majorly dents its overall entertainment value.

All in all, it'll ensure Scream VI is decidedly less rewatchable than most of its predecessors, no matter that Ghostface does mete out some of their nastiest attacks in this movie.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.