Sean Bean's 10 Greatest Deaths

2. GoldenEye (1995)

goldeneye Sean Bean once auditioned for the role of James Bond, the quintessential British action hero, in the 1980s. Obviously, he didn€™t get the part, as the decade saw Timothy Dalton play the role in two films before handing over the reins to Pierce Brosnan for GoldenEye in 1995. The Yorkshireman€™s talents were remembered by producers, however, who cast him in the film as Alec Trevelyan, an ally-turned-enemy of 007. After a terrific opening sequence in which Bond (007) and Trevelyan (006) infiltrate a Soviet chemical weapons facility, 006 is supposedly killed, returning later on after it transpires that he holds a grudge on the British for the death of his parents (who were Cossacks). Having stolen a satellite weapon that can launch an electromagnetic pulse, destroying anything computerised in a large radius, he plans to both steal the contents of the Bank of England and cripple the British economy and infrastructure in revenge. 007 is therefore forced to combat his former friend, tracking 006 to Cuba and infiltrating his facility, which culminates in the two fighting on an antenna platform five hundred feet in the air. 007 gets the upper hand, knocking 006 off, but catches his foot at the last moment, seemingly content on handing his onetime ally to the authorities until (in one of Bond€™s more cold-blooded moments) he drops him. Bean€™s character somehow survives the fall, only to have a flaming facility fall on top of him a short while after, finishing him off once and for all. Shown In Video Below At - 03.14

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.