Sean Bean's 10 Greatest Deaths

1. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001)

boromir The Lord of the Rings trilogy featured a number of deaths, but none were remotely as memorable as the passing of Sean Bean€™s Boromir towards the end of the Fellowship of the Ring, the first film in the series (which appear in the video at the start of this article at 02.56.) Originally considered for the role of Aragorn (eventually played by Viggo Mortenson), Bean (as Boromir) enters the film at around the halfway mark, becoming part of the titular €˜Fellowship€™ that is formed in Rivendell with the objective of accompanying Frodo Baggins to Mordor so that the one ring can be destroyed, preventing the Dark Lord Sauron€™s domination of Middle Earth. Boromir is initially a dissident in that he would rather use the ring€™s powers to fight Sauron, and tries to take the artefact from Frodo by force sometime after Gandalf€™s supposed demise. Frodo uses the ring to vanish, prompting Boromir to instantly express regret for his actions. Urak-hai attack the party soon after, causing Boromir to seek redemption by protecting Frodo€™s friends and fellow hobbits, Merry and Pippin. He is ultimately unsuccessful, as they are captured, but goes down fighting in what is a truly heroic moment, fending off his attackers despite taking two arrows in the chest, before finally succumbing to a third. Let's relive that awful moment again...

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.