Shaun Of The Dead Vs Hot Fuzz - Which Is Better?

9. Directing

Hot Fuzz
Universal Pictures

As a buddy cop movie, Hot Fuzz has the chance to be a lot showier with its direction, and here Wright really proves he can do action sequences. That he manages to infuse so much comedy and character into the heat of the action is what's perhaps most impressive, and the film goes flat-out for almost its entire duration, never letting up its pace once it gets going. Wright really indulges himself here, but when it's such insane action, that really works in its favour and goes hand-in-hand with his kinetic style. Everything feels bigger in Hot Fuzz, and Wright shows that he can handle a larger scale and cast without ever letting things become imbalanced or sagging under its own weight.

Shaun doesn't quite have the same set-pieces as Fuzz, but it does justice to the zombie genre with some brilliant undead moments, such as the vinyl disc scene. He handles the zombie hoard expertly too, and is able to craft some genuine tension along with the humour. The Don't Stop Me Now sequence, meanwhile, is an early sign of Wright's ability to sync action to music, which would fully come to fruition in Baby Driver. Best of all is that he knows when to slow things down for the emotional beats, allowing just enough time for them to hit before once again ramping up the horror, comedy, and action in thrilling, hilarious style.

Winner: Hot Fuzz


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.