Solo: A Star Wars Story - 10 Concerns Raised By The New Trailer

7. It's Shaping Up Like A Mythology Checklist


Whilst many fans hoped and prayed this movie wouldn't just settle to be a checklist of "Han's Greatest Moments," darting between iconic sequences that were foreshadowed in the original trilogy, the teaser kind of suggests that's exactly what we'll be getting. Didn't we learn our lesson already, though, when we gave Vader an unnecessary backstory, and retconned it so that he built C-3PO?

So already from the trailer it looks like we're going to be "treated" to Han Solo's entire origin story, which includes his transformation from wannabe Imperial pilot to sardonic smuggler, his first meeting with Chewie, the game of Sabacc he won the Millennium Falcon against Lando Calrissian in, and - as many have speculated - the scene where he does the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs.

Will any of Han's past remain unseen after this motion picture hit theatres? Because if there was just one strange and inarguable truth surrounding the mythology of the Star Wars canon, it might be tell, don't show. Yes, this works in the complete opposite way to what most screenwriting books will tell you, but in this galaxy, far, far away, we've learned that backstories should be left well and truly alone.

Han, as a character, won't be enhanced in showing us how he got the Falcon. If anything, it's going to spoil a huge part of his character: the mystery.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.