Solo: A Star Wars Story - 10 Questions We Still Have

2. Does Harrison Ford Appear?

Star Wars The Force Awakens Han Solo

It may be mere wishful thinking on the part of fans, but many are convinced that Harrison Ford will have a surprise cameo at the end of the movie, with the reveal that he has been reminiscing about the movie's story in a tavern with his pal Lando shortly before his death. Billy Dee Williams will join him for the cameo, of course.

Does Ford return for one final - and this time we mean final - appearance as Han, or was The Force Awakens really the end of the line?

Prediction: As awesome as this would be, Harrison Ford has made it abundantly clear he's lost the passion - if he ever had it - for Han compared to the likes of Indiana Jones and Deckard, so it's hard to imagine him agreeing to play Han once more for a mere two-minute cameo, even if they offered him a dumptruck of cash.

It could happen, and it could even be the "jaw-dropping" crowd-pleasing moment some early reviews talked about, but you really shouldn't get your hopes up or it either.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.