Spectre: 6 Things It Actually Gets Right

2. The Theme Song Is Relevant

Spectre's opening sequence is just plain weird. I'm not going to make a tentacle porn joke because it's not actually as smart an observation as some people think, but it's certainly one of the most out there we've ever had. Especially as, like Skyfall, it segues from the action in the dreamy visuals, posing some frankly odd questions - is Bond imagining a giant octopus and being groped by a bunch of flaming girls as he flies away from Mexico City? However, I will say one thing - the audio side works. Writing's On The Wall isn't the best opening theme ever, but boy is it not the worst. There's plenty of barbs to be made - it was allegedly only written in twenty minutes and does bear an odd resemblance to Michael Jackson's Earth Song - but in the broad sense it does its job - it's a Sam Smith Bond tune, that's for sure. Although that's not why it's an asset to Spectre. Moreso than any other song, it ties directly into the movie's plot; as the lyrics suggest, Spectre is ultimately about Bond giving up his assassin lifestyle for love, at the end finding it impossible to kill Oberhauser and instead running off with Madeline. If anything it's a major spoiler, revealing the only unpredictable one of the film's multiple twists, and makes the music video oddly more prophetic.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.