Spectre: 8 Most Convincing Fan Theories

5. SPECTRE Gave Silva His Helicopter

The Theory

Skyfall villain Raoul Silva did work for SPECTRE or at the very least, was funded by them. Specifically, they gave him the attack helicopter he used in the climax of Skyfall.

Why It Could Work

The theory stems largely from the fact that Silva's helicopter sports the logo of the Austrian air force. With both Waltz€™s character being Austrian and part of the film taking place there, this would seem like a great coincidence.

Story-wise, this detail could re-contextualize Skyfall, making it clear how far SPECTRE€™s reach is. To that end, it€™s possible that this could signify a connection that their organization has to many of the conflicts Bond has recently dealt with. Oberhauser certainly asserts as much when he declares €œyou came across me so many times, yet you never saw me.€

It€™s a minor detail, but its addition could be a nice touch that establishes SPECTRE as the villains behind everything Daniel Craig has had to deal with.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.