Spectre: 8 Most Convincing Fan Theories

4. The Plot Is Set Into Motion By A Message From M

The Theory

Bond acting of his own volition in the opening of the movie comes as a result of a secret message that he received from the recently-deceased M.

Why It Could Work

With the official plot synopsis denoting the story being set into motion by a €œcryptic message from Bond€™s past,€ M seems like a obvious culprit as the messenger. Yes, her official will was read, but surely the old spymaster kept a few things hidden away.

Her involvement from beyond the grave would cement how important her character was to Bond and the series as a whole. Furthermore, the spectre of his predecessor could put Mallory, the new M to the test of proving he€™s worthy of inheriting her mantle.

With the series looking to place a larger importance on Bond€™s past, M could conceivably have had access to plenty of information that she might deem relevant to him. And since Bond has very few ties to his past, who else could have even sent the message? It's doubtful that Kincade is mailing off spy letters.

And if you€™re wondering what specifically that message might say...


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.