Spectre: 8 Most Convincing Fan Theories

3. Bond€™s Parents Will Be Revealed As Spies

The Theory

Just as in the novel Carte Blanche, it will turn out that Bond€™s parents were spies as well, and whose climbing accident was actually a deliberate killing.

Why It Could Work

If the visit to their graves in Skyfall wasn€™t enough, it€™s clear that Sam Mendes has an interest in looking at how James Bond came to be. Since his status as an orphan was so integral to his development into an MI6 agent, the death of his parents is understandably of immense importance.

We know that Bond has gone off on his own in the beginning of the film and that a cryptic message (potentially from M) is the reason why. A logical assumption is that this information has to do with his parents. Bond€™s got no one he€™s currently seeking vengeance upon so the most logical explanation for going rogue is that it€™s a personal matter.

Should this theory pan out, uncovering the mystery of Andrew and Monique Bond€™s deaths could make for a very strong B-story. It€™s hard to argue against a personal mystery wrapped in an action epic.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.