Spectre: 8 Most Convincing Fan Theories

1. Lucia Sciarra Is Blofeld

The Theory

The name €œSciarra€ comes from Palermo, Sicily and refers to a volcanic area. This could simply be a coincidence or it could directly refer to SPECTRE€™s previous base in the heart of a volcano. Extrapolating on this, despite ostensibly being the widow to a dead criminal, Monica Bellucci€™s Lucia Sciarra is in fact the head of SPECTRE.

Why It Could Work

Frankly, it just seems too damn obvious that Waltz is playing Blofeld. Surely the studio doesn't want a John Harrison/Khan scenario playing out, so what if it€™s all misdirection?

When asked if his character was the head of SPECTRE, Waltz himself said €œIt€™s more interesting than that.€ The idea of using his character as a giant red herring would certainly live up to that statement, and take nearly everyone by storm.

The reinvention of the classic villain as a female could give a reason for why they€™ve revived the character. It would explain how Bellucci joined the film as the oldest Bond girl ever, since she practically exudes femme fatale and could easily play a commanding villain. It€™s not like the series hasn€™t had a woman secretly be in charge before, look no further than Elektra King in The World Is Not Enough to know that this theory could work.

Which theories would you like to see happen? Let us know in the comments.


Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.