Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Review - 8 Ups & 2 Downs
6. The Fan-Service Is Creative & Satisfying
The entire point of a multiversal superhero movie is to basically deliver all the crazy what-if scenarios that you couldn't in a conventional movie.
Into the Spider-Verse certainly delivered this in spades, but Across the Spider-Verse basically makes an art-form out of it.
This is a movie absolutely jam-packed with visual Easter eggs - more than any single person can hope to catch on an initial viewing, in fact.
But it's also not content to simply throw memberberries in the audience's face and expect them to clap - the means through which the Spider-Society is made an integral part of the plot ensures their inclusion doesn't feel perfunctory or pandering.
And even with the trailers showing off so much, rest assured that the final film has so many surprises in store for fans - several of them insanely unexpected.