Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer 2 Review: 5 Ups & 4 Downs

2. That Vacation Line

Spider-Man Far From Home
Marvel Studios

Look, for all of his jock-like abilities, Peter Parker is a bit of a goofball. He's a dork. It's part of his inherent charm, but there's definitely a fine line between him throwing out adorable quips and attitude and him being a little bit insufferable. When the writing is as offy as him telling a group of cops that he's going on vacation, it crosses the line.

Not only is it a terrible line (and the delivery is poor too), but it makes no sense that someone supposedly so invested in his secret identity would be publicly announcing that he's going on holiday. Peter should already know that anything that's traceable back to him can lead to people uncovering who he is: you know, since it was the exact plot of how Vulture worked it out. And how MJ has now done the same.

It's not the only poor line in the trailer either: Nick Fury saying "b*tch please, you went to space" smacks a little of someone trying to write more attitude into the character for the sake of pandering to an idea about Samuel L Jackson. It ends up being up there with the turd in the wind line in the Venom trailer.

So people will probably love it.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.