Spider-Man: Far From Home Trailer 2 Review: 5 Ups & 4 Downs

1. There Are Still Too Many Spoilers

Tom Holland
Marvel Studios

While it's admirable that the studios decided to include the bumper starring Tom Holland and warning about spoilers, that doesn't entirely absolve them of blame for spoiling way more than is even remotely necessary about the plot.

Yes, it's good to learn about Mysterio's apparent backstory (ley's not forget that everything we know about the character from the comics suggests he's lying), but did we need to see the attack on London bridge? Did we need to know that MJ knows that he's Spider-Man? They're big plot details that have absolutely no justification in the trailer other than cheap fan pops. They aren't needed to sell the film.

It's very much a case, again, of the studio going out of its way to spoil in place of building more organic hype.

And now to the positives...


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