Spider-Man: Far From Home - What The Explosive Ending Really Means

2. Could Mephisto Be Coming?!

Mephisto Marvel
Marvel Comics

Now, here's a left-field suggestion, but it might be the only way this storyline can be resolved (barring Spider-Man dying or being retired from the MCU after Spider-Man 3). After Civil War, Spider-Mans secret identity is revealed to the whole world and he is driven to desperate measures to save Aunt May after she's shot.

In a particularly comic book moment, Parker was forced to turn to Mephisto - the actual devil - to cut a deal to save May and wipe knowledge of his secret identity out of the world's memory. Mephisto didn't barter for his soul, though, which he would probably have given up - instead, he demanded he gave up his marriage to and love of Mary Jane, which he said came but once in a lifetime.

The trouble here, of course, is that the "One More Day" story that this all comes from is widely accepted as the worst ever Spider-Man story. So Marvel adapting it would probably be asking for trouble. But that doesn't make it look any less like they're teasing this sort of direction.


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