Spider-Man: Homecoming - 9 Big Implications For The Future Of The MCU

6. Avengers Tower Is Gone

Spider Man Homecoming Tower
Marvel Studios

The Avengers Tower (previously Stark Tower) has been a regular feature in the MCU's Manhattan skyline for years, but as per the events of this film we're no longer going to be seeing that shining A play a part in this universe.

We saw the Avengers moving into a new facility in Age of Ultron, but Homecoming takes it even further by making that the only permanent residence of the Avengers, with Stark selling off the Tower and moving all of the equipment upstate.

That itself is an important, if smaller, detail: the Tower has been a key location for these movies, and now it's gone, at least as far as the Avengers is concerned. But then there's also the bigger issue of who it was sold to. Given the prominence of the building, it's unlikely it'll just be a random group, and instead will be a corporation who not only have wealth and power, but real significance in the Marvel world.

The most obvious answer to this is that it's been purchased by Oscorp, which would be an easy way of bringing Norman and Harry Osborn into this world, sowing the seeds for much bigger appearances in the Homecoming sequels. Given how important those two are in the dual-life of Peter Parker/Spider-Man, it'd be a surprise if they weren't introduced eventually, and this is a great chance to lay the groundwork for that.

The other possibility is that Avengers Tower is going to become the new home of The Daily Bugle, the newspaper Peter eventually goes on to work for, and of course gives us J. Jonah Jameson. You'd think an appearance from him is a matter of when, not if (and also a big question of who, because it's almost impossible to replace J.K. Simmons), but then could a newspaper in 2016 (or, er, 2020?) really be buying such an expensive building?


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.