Spider-Man: Homecoming - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

8. Tony Stark

Spider Man Homecoming Tony Stark
Marvel Studios

As soon as it was confirmed that Robert Downey Jr was coming in to Homecoming, it was assumed that Marvel would be using him as a "big money" crutch to try and recapture some of the Iron Man gold effect from all of his previous MCU movies.

But in reality, Tony Stark really isn't in Homecoming very much. He's there enough to offer Peter the Hollywood promise of what he wants to be (an Avenger) and to stand in for the berating side of Uncle Ben (his "if you're nothing without the suit, you shouldn't have it" speech is as close to "with great power..." here), but his appearances are surprisingly limited.

Still, you get the same old Downey Jr sparkle and he's irresistibly watchable, but he loses points somewhat for completely changing his thinking around Spider-Man being a viable Avenger so quickly. It's not really earned, and it comes across a little like it's done solely for a gag pay-off (and the reveal of that admittedly gorgeous Spidey Avengers suit).


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