Spider-Man: Homecoming - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

6. Liz Toomes

Spider-Man Homecoming Liz
Marvel Studios

Liz Toomes - based, of course on Liz Allan from the comics - is the closest thing in the film to an embodiment of Jon Watts' and Kevin Feige's desire to channel that intoxicating John Hughes spirit. She's the archetypal object of unrequited teenage love - or so it seems initially - but the film stops short of objectifying her too much.

She's Peter's intellectual equal and she's independent enough to ultimately reject Peter when he abandons her at the Homecoming dance, so she's no simple wall-flower, even if it would have been nice to have her do a little more.

Crucially though, the fact that she's left somewhat removed from Peter serves the twist that she's Adrian Toomes' daughter - a twist that's almost enough to knock the wind out of you - and that's very key to that excellent sequence that sees the truth dawn on him on their drive to the dance. It's a shame we won't get to see more of her, but her part in that twist is a good compromise.


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