Spider-Man: Homecoming - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

2. Adrian Toomes/Vulture

SpiderMan Homecoming Michael Keaton
Marvel Studios

It was always a smart move to hire Michael Keaton as the Homecoming villain as he enjoys something of a career revival (not that he ever stopped being great), and Marvel's persistence in hiring him pays off in an excellent performance.

His Vulture is a full spectrum villain, taking in old school monster movie framing when he's in his suit and a sympathetic working man motivation that makes simply killing him off more difficult than it might have initially seemed. He's charming - and almost cult-like - in a way that perfectly suits a generation that voted for Donald Trump to take the country back for "normal" people, and he's still completely captivating as a normal father looking out for his family.

And crucially none of that complexity gets in the way of his menace or the threat he brings, and his switch from doting father to genuinely terrifying monster on the way to the Homecoming dance is the crowning glory of that performance. It's so assured, in fact, that Keaton feels like he's having a lot of fun, which is almost the opposite of his usual, idiosyncratic acting identity.


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