Spider-Man: Homecoming - Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

17. Pepper Potts

Pepper Potts Gwyneth Paltrow
Marvel Studios

It was a great surprise to have Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts back, even for little more than a glorified cameo - especially as she was basically counted as MIA in the wake of Civil War's revelation that she and Tony had broken up.

That being said, she doesn't really get much to do here, other than cracking a couple of jokes with Happy and Tony (and being part of the joke making light of their tumultuous relationship) and helping pay-off the gag that Peter doesn't believe there's really an Avengers press conference.

Presumably this means Paltrow will return for Infinity War, and the fact that she and Tony are back together suggests he's on the road to dealing with some of his personal demons, which might mean we'll see less of him wringing his hands and mooning about when Thano's big show kicks off.


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