Spider-Man: Homecoming - Every Secret You Need To Know

13. Aunt May Knows, But What Comes Next?

Spider Man Homecoming Aunt May
Marvel Studios

Homecoming ends on an hilarious and seismic exclamation point as Aunt May discovers her nephew's superhero secret identity, and going by her choice of language, is pretty damn flustered by it.

It's an excellent cliffhanger that points towards a very specific dramatic direction for the next movie, which will surely either see Aunt May trying to talk Peter out of his crime-fighting escapades, or if Marvel wants to take a major shortcut, her and Peter could've already worked through this in the interim, and she might even give him a helping hand.

It's important not to forget Spidey's presence in next year's Infinity War, too, for while Marisa Tomei isn't appearing in it, there will surely be at least a line or two of dialogue about her reaction to his extra-curricular activity.

This May being a younger, hipper iteration makes it more likely fans won't have to sit through played-out hand-wringing drama, and knowing the MCU, they'll opt to mine this awkward dynamic for all the laughs in the bank.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.