Spider-Man: Homecoming Vs Spider-Man 2 - Which Is Better?

10. Peter Parker

Spider Man 2 Tobey Maguire Spider Man Homecoming Tom Holland
Columbia & Marvel Studios

Tobey Maguire is the original movie Spider-Man, and he brought an undeniable charm to the table that evolved into something more mature and compelling in Spider-Man 2, as the script required him to visit some more challenging and conflicted places.

Tom Holland won the part of the MCU's Spider-Man, a much younger actor who is, for once, pretty close to the character's supposed age, and like Maguire had to balance the character's inherent goofiness with the legitimate threat of the Vulture.

Winner: Both performances are great, but Holland just feels that much more natural and convincing as a high schooler, whereas Maguire was close to 30 years of age when Spider-Man 2 was filming, and never really escapes the "adult playing a child" Hollywood stereotype.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.