Spider-Man: Homecoming Vs Spider-Man 2 - Which Is Better?

6. Romance

Spider Man 2 MJ Spider Man Homecoming Liz Peter
Columbia & Marvel Studios

Spider-Man 2 sees Peter struggling to deal with the fact that Mary Jane has moved on from him, even though she does ultimately return to him at the end of the movie. Of course, MJ ends up being a pawn in Doc Ock's scheme, and he has to rescue her. And don't forget about Peter's landlord's cute daughter Ursula who was totally into him...

Homecoming has a much more subdued romantic subplot than any of the Raimi movies, with Peter getting to know academic decathlon teammate Liz, only for this love story to get promptly derailed at the end of the movie when Liz moves away to Oregon.

The seeds are planted for Peter and the new MJ, Michelle, to get together in the future, but there's no guarantee that will actually happen.

Winner: The Spider-Man 2 romance definitely felt much more melodramatic and soap opera-esque, and making MJ into a damsel-in-distress once again definitely felt a little tired.

Homecoming on the other hand didn't overdo the romance and so it actually played better as a result. Plus, neither Liz nor Michelle were kidnapped by Vulture, even if Liz was temporarily put in danger at the Washington Monument, albeit along with a group of other kids.

Homecoming's more restrained approach easily wins out here.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.