Spider-Man: Homecoming - What Does The Ending Really Mean?

5. Miles Morales & The Prowler Are Out There

The Prowler Spider Man
Marvel Comics

The reveal of Donald Glover's Aaron Davis - otherwise known as The Prowler according to his rap-sheet - and the fact that he has a nephew suggests that we might be heading towards a platform that Marvel can use to launch Miles Morales as a stand-alone character.

Even if they allow Sony to do that alone, in an annex of the MCU (or whatever odd term they want to use), it would be a great thing to see a young Morales and Glover's Prowler return in a sort of father/son dynamic (ok, so uncle/nephew, but the spirit is the same).

It almost feels like Glover is too much of a high profile actor for this appearance to be his only one in the MCU - just as Michael Mando was obviously always being set up for something bigger elsewhere. Could we finally get to see Miles Morales on screen after all?


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