Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse - Every Version Of Spidey, Ranked
6. Blond Peter Parker

Chris Pine’s picture perfect Peter Parker has some great quips, but he’s just not in it enough to warrant putting him any higher. Plus, while he’s great and all, the story needed the sadder, sweatpants wearing Spidey to take it to the next level.
The shift to a blond hair, blue eyed Spider-Man was startling to seasoned readers of the web slinger, but the counter balance with the 616 Peter Parker means it all works out in the end.
In the initial battle with Kingpin, we see that patented level of Spidey wit we’ve come to expect from him. Because the purpose of the scene is really centred around Miles though, we don’t get anywhere near as much from him as we might have otherwise.
That’s not a criticism; the film needed to tell the story this way and making Miles the star was great move. But obviously, it hurts Blondie’s ranking a little.
In a way, this Spider-Man is the perfect Spidey. But in this story, perfect just doesn’t cut it. Nips in ahead of Spider-Man Noir only on the basis of how much his words drive Miles forward in the opening couple of acts.