Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse - Every Version Of Spidey, Ranked

4. Peni Parker

Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse

Peni Parker and her robotic assistant SP//dr have arguably the best action sequences of anyone in the movie. She certainly benefits the most from the animators going ‘all in’ on the comic book feel, with her climactic battle against Scorpion probably the best set piece Into The Spider-Verse dished up.

The Japanimation style looks brilliant and is bubbling with quirkiness. You get the sense the team thought long and hard about which of the more minor Spideys would give the best visuals. All three choices knock it out of the park.

She’s not without her flaws, however. Arriving at the same time as Spider-Noir and Spider-Ham, she too suffers from a lack of real input in the story. All three of them are depicted brilliantly, but if you take them out... what really changes?

That said, they do try and inject some emotions into her story as part of her relationship with SP//dr, but there’s not enough time dedicated to it. As a result, none of the emotion feels particularly earned. Still, with Gwen getting a girl power spin off with Silk and Spider-Woman, Peni might not be done just yet.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)