Spider-Man Movies: 7 Perfect Performances & 7 That Sucked

4. Dane DeHaan - Harry Osborn

Amazing Spider Man 2 Dane Dehaan Green Goblin
Sony Pictures

To give Dane DeHaan some due credit, his idea of Harry Osborn being a bit of a weirdo does fit with him and Peter Parker being friends, but there's still something a little jarring about the disparity between the characters.

DeHaan would have made a great villain in a Spider-Man movie, but it's the human side of the character that he struggles with more. You want to see him in fuller flow, more theatrical and deranged once his spiral out of control is confirmed, but the tone of the movie is wildly off-key and the result is a performance that seems to take itself way too seriously.

And when DeHaan evolves into the Green Goblin, he looks comical, which is partly due to the character design, but also due to the actor just not looking right in the first place.

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