Spider-Man Movies: 7 Perfect Performances & 7 That Sucked

2. Jamie Foxx - Electro

Electro Spiderman

Jamie Foxx was never a good casting decision to play a loner with a Spider-Man fascination and a haircut like a horror movie, and no amount of hiding him under dated glasses, that wig and crooked teeth make him work as Max Dillon.

The script is awful, but the bigger problem for Foxx's Electro is that his transition into supervillainy makes no sense and it actually would have been far better for us to have watched Dillon develop a hatred in his everyday form rather than becoming the big blue shocker.

To his credit, he plays a part in some great action sequences, but he's too bombastic and theatrical to fit into a movie trying this hard to be super-serious and it just doesn't work.

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