Spider-Man Movies: 7 Perfect Performances & 7 That Sucked

1. Paul Giamatti - Rhino

Paul Giamatti Rhino

Sometimes, you look at Paul Giamatti and you can't help but see the performative class oozing out of him. He's a wonderful, often understated character actor, capable of profound, relatable pathos. He's an everyman for outsiders and a great, entertaining watch in a lot of movies.

He's also, however, the same actor who decided to take the role of this tracksuit wearing, Russian mob mook who wears a Transformers suit and has an accent like a CG Eastern European meerkat.

This is the absolute dregs of comic book movie performances and honestly, it's impossible to justify it from anyone, let alone an actor as gifted as Giamatti.

And now on to the perfect ones...

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