Spider-Man Movies: 7 Perfect Performances & 7 That Sucked

7 Perfect Spider-Man Performances

7. Nic Cage - Spider-Man Noir

Spider Verse Spider-Man Noir

Nic Cage isn't so much an anomaly as he is a phenomenon. On the one hand, he's made some of the worst films you'll ever see, sleepwalking his way through the DVD bargain basement in roles you wouldn't expect Mickey Rourke or Michael Madsen to take on.

And then on the other, he's the actor who can still do things like Mandy and Kick-Ass and this astonishingly wonderful - and all-too brief - performance as Spider-Man Noir from Into The Spider-Verse. It's a vocal role only, but that doesn't stop Cage making it hilarious thanks to his spot-on film noir caricature. If he doesn't come back for his own spin-offs, it's an absolute travesty.

Honourable mention has to go to John Mulaney's Spider-Ham, who is also hysterical and all-too underused too.

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