Spider-Man Movies: 7 Perfect Performances & 7 That Sucked

6. Willem Dafoe - Norman Osborn/Green Goblin

willem dafoe green goblin spider-man
Sony Pictures

Looking at Willem Dafoe's incredibly expressive face, with its immediately recognisable features, you just know he was made to play interesting, grotesque characters. Nobody else could have played the lead in Nosferatu, for instance.

That same, strange supernatural feel is also why he was perfect for Sam Raimi's Green Goblin, particularly because the director used his horror movie background to inform a character who might as well have been a loving tribute to Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde.

Osborn is slick and confident as Osborn until he loses his grip on reality and then his performance as the Goblin is so impressive that you can see him in every movement and every growled line, despite the fact that he's hidden under a mask and armour.

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