Spider-Man: Homecoming - 13 Things We Already Know
2. Iron Man Is Involved (Maybe)
We knew some time ago that there was a chance that Roberty Downey Jr at least was going to be involved in Spider-Man's return to Marvel, as he and Chris Evans had "let slip" details of them filming together on a project in Atlanta (Homecoming's location). But now it seems there's been more than playful teasing, as CinemaCon saw Tony Stark appearing on screen in a clip opposite Tom Holland and Marisa Tomei's Aunt May.
That clip showed Parker returning home from school to discover his Aunt May sitting on the couch talking to Stark.
It's already been heavily suggested that the genius Parker will look to fellow intellect Stark as a mentor in Civil War and beyond (as he has in the comics), and it's a smart move by Marvel boosting out the Spidey brand with another golden boy. Hopefully his role will amount to not much more than a cameo though, as too much would only be distracting.