St George's Day 2013: 10 Greatest Ever British Movie Bad Guys

7. Sheriff Of Nottingham (Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves)

sheriff_of_nottingham Alan Rickman was always going to be on this list, even if it wasn't going to be for his wonderful German accent. His turn as the Sheriff of Nottingham in the 100% historically accurate Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves is a delight, you can tell he is really having fun with the role. His plot to win the throne by marrying the King's cousin might not have been exactly be the stuff of evil geniuses but he is the son of a witch and cancelled Christmas. That is some pretty good evil doing. Although his performance was camper than a row of tents, you can't deny the delicious levels of villainy in Alan Rickman's Sheriff of Nottingham
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist