St George's Day 2013: 10 Greatest Ever British Movie Bad Guys

6. Begbie (Trainspotting)

begbie While the four main characters in Trainspotting are not exactly the cream of society, it can be said that somewhere very deep down, they are not that bad. If you look past all the heroin and drug dealing. However Begbie is a complete shit and there is almost no chance that somewhere behind his hard man exterior is a lovely bloke who just needs a hug. At least the others can blame being on drugs, Begbie is naturally like this. A man who likes nothing more than casually tossing a glass over a balcony in order to incite a bar brawl, he is comfortably one of the least likeable characters in film, but that makes him all the more memorable.
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Tom is a budding novelist and film critic who is slowly coming to terms with the fact he might be too old to play for Arsenal. Follow him on Twitter for updates on his lunch @TomGilchrist