Star Trek: 10 Best 'I'm Dead And I Know It' Moments
7. Torg - Star Trek III: The Search For Spock

Star Trek III: The Search For Spock is the film where the audience watches, hearts in throats, the original USS Enterprise go up in flames.
Admiral Kirk, bested by the Klingons, finds a way to turn the situation on its head. He sets the vessel to self-destruct, beaming down to the rapidly destabilizing Genesis planet to escape. Seconds after he leaves, the Klingon raiding party beams aboard.
They are led by Torg. This Klingon has been the right-hand man of Commander Kruge, serving him both loyally and wisely. Kruge is not above killing his officers in fits of passion, while Torg has managed to survive aboard the Bird-of-Prey for an extended period. It seems that he has gained his commander's good graces, as evidenced in Kruge's later scream.
Torg and the rest of the part reach the bridge, finding it deserted. He contacts the Bird-of-Prey, informing Kruge that the computer is the only thing speaking aboard the ship. It is a countdown.
Kruge immediately screams for them to get out of there. Torg's face shows his recognition of his situation - he is confused, that Kirk has tricked them. He is frightened that he is about to die. And that final look shows a look of concern for the rest of his men as well.