Star Trek: 10 Best 'I'm Dead And I Know It' Moments

6. Data - Star Trek: Nemesis

Star Trek Decker

Data's death in Star Trek: Nemesis bugged the audience for a long time. It was sudden, while also seemingly avoidable. It appears in the end of the film simply to hammer home the fact that this would be the last Next Generation movie, so thematically it works, even if it's not handled very well.

However, Brent Spiner brings emotion to the moment that only Data could embody. In saving Picard, he has acted in a very 'human' way, finally reaching as close as it is possible to get to his dream of becoming a man. He whispers 'goodbye' to his captain and friend, before turning to face the Thaleron radiation generator. There is no fear in his face, just sheer determination.

Star Trek: Picard gave fans the quiet and contemplative send-off that the character truly deserved but Star Trek: Nemesis, if nothing else, offers Spiner a blaze of glory, Data a heartbreaking sacrifice, and the crew a chance to toast their fallen friend.

Spiner nails the moment, as it grows quiet around him, with that impending doom. It may not have been the most satisfying event in Star Trek's history, but it is a great scene all the same.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick