Star Trek: 10 Best Uhura Moments

2. Captain Uhura's Legacy

Uhura Star Trek

Uhura rose through the ranks in Starfleet, moving from Lieutenant in the Original Series, to Lieutenant Commander in The Motion Picture, and then Commander by the Wrath of Khan. While on-screen, this was the highest rank she attained, her career certainly didn't end there.

Star Trek: Picard's original premise came from an idea for a Short Trek. This story would have seen an elderly Captain Uhura mentoring a young Cadet Jean-Luc Picard. While this story never came to fruition, it was finally canonized in the show's second season.

There is a plaque honouring the USS Leondegrance at Starfleet Academy. Captain Uhura commanded the vessel between 2301 and 2305, before the ship was reassigned as a training vessel. It's legacy was that hundreds of cadets experienced faster-than-light travel for the first time aboard the ship, under Uhura's watch - with Jean-Luc Picard being one of those cadets. She served until her retirement in 2333.

While the passing of Nichelle Nichols means that any proposed scenes between her iteration of Uhura and Picard will now not come to pass, this poignant tribute in the show to her stands out - even if the plaque is fairly blurred in the actual episode.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick