Star Trek: 10 Exact Moments We Knew These Characters Were Doomed

1. Admiral Cornwell - Such Sweet Sorrow Pt 2

Olsen Star Trek

The explosive finale to Star Trek: Discovery's second season works both as a wrap-up for the loose ends on board Discovery herself, while also helping to covertly set up the beginning of Strange New Worlds. However, Admiral Katrina Cornwell is the one to bite the dust here, becoming the sacrificial lamb to wish the other iterations well.

She jumps to action once Control begins its assault on Enterprise, taking a turbo-lift to a section of the hull containing an unexploded torpedo. Though she and Number One work tirelessly to diffuse it, there is no doubt that it's going to blow.

Naturally, thanks in part to a slight plot contrivance and some less than stellar starship design, the blast doors will protect the ship, but can only be sealed from the side facing the torpedo. At that point, it's handshakes and retirement cake time, because neither Number One nor Pike were anywhere near the chopping block that day. Cornwell was a great character while she lasted, she was simply fresh out of luck that day. They seal the door, which is apparently made of adamantium, and Pike watches his old friend get consumed by the flames.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick