Star Trek: 10 Exact Moments We Knew These Characters Were Doomed

2. Lt. Hawk - Star Trek: First Contact

Olsen Star Trek

To be fair, Lt. Hawk gets a fair amount of screentime for an extra with some lines. He gets some fairly good hero shots as well, manning the conn, casually discussing deflector control against that column, or standing with his phaser rifle pointed straight at captain Picard, rising from a Jefferies Tube under the bridge.

However, when Picard suggests to Worf that, due to the failure of internal transporters and their inability to secure a shuttle, he and Hawk accompany him to the Deflector Dish, the poor young man's fate is basically set in stone.

There is a certain gallows humour in Star Trek in that the new guy tends to get the bullet. To be fair, the maglock that Hawk is attempting to open before he gets on the wrong end of a Borg tubule is yellow, so at least they tried not to give the game away too quickly.

But in the seventh Star Trek sequel, or first sequel if one is just counting the Next Generation crew, there was absolutely no way that Worf or Picard were getting assimilated here. Sorry Hawk. Short straw, mate.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick