Star Trek: 10 Exact Moments We Knew These Characters Were Doomed

4. Duras - Reunion

Olsen Star Trek

Gowron may not have been the greatest chancellor of the Klingon High Council, but he was still a damn sight better than Duras would have been. Let there be no mistake - Duras was a complete and utter arse. This author only wishes he could have swung the Bat'leth for Worf.

The death of K'Ehleyr is a shocking moment in the Next Generation, which had largely been a bloodless affair to that point, considering that Wolf 359 took place off-screen. Suzie Plakson had warmed the audiences' hearts with her earlier appearances, both as K'Ehleyr and Dr. Selar, in season two. The third season had seen the introduction of Duras and the conspiracy against the House of Mogh. Reunion brings it all together.

K'Ehleyr discovers that it was Duras's father, not Worf's, who betrayed the Klingons at Khitomer. However, her search alerts Duras to her, who arrives at her quarters and promptly kills her. She survives long enough to let Worf know what happened.

Though one should really never celebrate murder, it is an undeniable fist in the air moment as Worf goes to his quarters, grabs his Bat'leth, and shows Duras just how much restraint he had been holding the entire time that they'd known each other. Riker and Data arrive in time to see the life leave Duras's eyes.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick