Star Trek: Every Starfleet Starship Class Ranked Worst To Best
There have been so many out there, but which of Starfleet's finest ranks as the best of the best?

Throughout the history of Star Trek, one of the most exciting things to see has been the various designs of the ships that are used in the various fleets. From the smallest scout ships to the largest colony transports, watching these beauties fly through space has been a high point of Star Trek's history, time and time again.
While not every design has been as kindly received as others, very few of them are without merit. This list is targeting Starfleet only, as there are many additional Federation ships that will populate another list - and Section 31 will most definitely be receiving its own list as, in one episode alone, they displayed a small fleet of their own.
These ships will sort the Excelsiors from the Grissoms, the Enterprises from the Voyagers, and rank each of them based on aesthetics, usefulness and how memorable they actually were on screen. While many of these ships will have seen combat from time to time, not all of them have distinguished themselves as such. The ships of Wolf 359 displayed that Starfleet did not always keep the bigger picture in view.
With sixty five entries, this one may take a pot of coffee but sit back, relax and enjoy the starship porn as every class of ship in Starfleet is ranked from worst to best.
67. Kobiashi Maru

This vessel featured in the no-win scenario that Starfleet cadets had to undergo in order to test their ability to handle this kind of pressure. It was designed by John Eaves and Alex Jaegar, based on original blueprints for Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and the novel The Kobiashi Maru.
Alex Jaeger stated that the look of the Kobiashi Maru for Star Trek was based on their initial ideas for the Excelsior - the variant of the Armstrong type ship. It was to have been effectively the same ship, though retrofitted for cargo passage.
As the ship has only ever been seen in a situation where it requires aid - that does not suggest that it is the strongest vessel in the fleet!