Star Trek: Every Starfleet Starship Class Ranked Worst To Best

61. Curry

Star Trek Voyager

The Curry class is somewhat like the Excelsior class - if the Excelsior class had been fed through a mangle, with its various pieces chucked out the other side. The Frankenstein fleet, as it was dubbed at the time, contained another range of kit-bash ships, similar as to what had been done for the Best of Both Worlds.

The ship was only seen once, in the opening moments of A Time to Stand, the first episode in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's sixth season. The opening shot was created to establish the fact that the Federation was losing badly to the Dominion, from the war that had begun in the last episode of the fifth season.

The closing shot of Call to Arms had featured a huge array of vessels (also, the last giant shot that featured real models) heading back to take on the Dominion. Producer Ira Stephen Behr hated this, as he felt it gave the wrong image for what they were planning on doing.

So, the poor Curry class was created and beaten to a pulp over the summer, burning its way through space, limping home with the rest of the battered fleet. A sobering start to one of Star Trek's strongest seasons.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick