Star Wars: 10 Awesome And Nerdy Fan Creations



Another fan-film on the list? Well, how could I leave off one of the first, and still one of the best, Star Wars parodies? Troops, created by Kevin Rubio while working for FOX Kids Network, is a mockumentary parodying not only Star Wars, but the COPS television show, and almost single handedly started the Star Wars fan-film movement. Using professional quality props and costumes, with well know voice talent, TROOPS was groundbreaking for its time. Troops is also known for winning the first Pioneer award, presented by Lucasfilm itself, and even being included as a bonus feature on the 20th anniversary COPS DVD set! The gags fly fast and loose, beginning with the opening credits, and ending with the closing credits. There are sight gags, plays on words, and even cameos from other famous sci-fi properties. The short film follows the Imperial Stormtrooper Black Sheep Squadron, in the ass end of space, as they are being filmed for the Imperial TV hit, Troops. Along the way they meet some familiar characters, yet in a new, hilarious light. If you have yet to see it, do yourself a favor and put aside ten minutes right now. I assure you, you'll thank me.
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A writer in spirit, a baker by profession. Carl has been a comic shop impresario, comic book illustrator, record store clerk, electronic musician, late night radio DJ, club promoter, graphic designer, and other cool things you wish you could be. He mistakenly had purple dreadlocks once. For three years. Which made him way less cool. He doesn't actually know what the word impresario means, and is way too lazy to Google it. Carl is also an American, and for that he apologizes.