Star Wars: 10 Awesome Ideas Disney Must Include In Episode X

1. Putting The Skywalker Saga To Bed

Kylo Kid
20th Century Fox

Yes, we all love Luke and Leia, and even Anakin had his moments. But the Skywalker Saga has become a well trodden path of coarse sand and tired concepts. It's time to say goodbye.

Episode X really needs to be the end of the Skywalker Saga. It's time to take Star Wars in a new direction. The whole who-will-bring-balance-to-the-Force motif has been done to death, and butchered beyond repair at this point - was Anakin the Chosen One? Was it Luke? Leia? Maybe Rey? Who even cares at this point?

Rey was their opportunity to move away from this, but with her claiming the name Skywalker at the end of the sequels, Disney made it harder to cut ties.

Daisy Ridley will likely be back, and that means we haven't seen the last of the Skywalkers. But we should. Episode X should set up a new power struggle - outside of the whole Sith/Jedi thing - and introduce new characters, whose role it will be to navigate that power struggle. Rey Skywalker should be the bridge between the old era and the new, but that's it.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.