Star Wars: 10 Awesome Ideas Disney Must Include In Episode X

2. Force Ghost Luke

Kylo Kid

Luke is gone but he's not forgotten. The question is not if Luke will come back, but when? Mark Hamill was famously dissatisfied with his character's ending, so any opportunity to remedy the ills done to him will be taken.

Whatever happens in Episode X, chances are our main protagonist will need a little guidance from a certain shimmering blue entity. Obi-Wan's had his time to shine, and Yoda's had a pretty good run of it, it's time for Luke to take on the mantel of Jedi-Gandalf.

If we do get a character like Cade Skywalker - who completely turned his back on the Jedi Order for a life of sleaze-ball crime and Tatooine nightclubs - then having his ancestor turn up every now and then to scold him, would be an interesting touch.

In Legends Cade Skywalker used Death Sticks to try and severe his connection to the Force; it could be Luke's constant badgering that actually drives him to his addiction. A Jedi junkie is something we've not seen before; maybe Star Wars needs to take a turn for the darker.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.