Star Wars: 10 Awesome Ideas Disney Must Include In Episode X

6. Rey And Ben (Kylo Ren) Solo's Child

Kylo Kid

For some years there has been talk about what Episode X, XI, XII will involve, and one of the most popular online theories - pushed by the king of Star Wars clickbait, Mike Zeroh - is that the films will focus on Rey and Ben Solo's child.

How did they have a child? you ask. Well, remember that scene when Kylo Ren brings Rey back from the dead, only to die himself? No? it was pretty forgettable. Anyway, it happened, and during the process Ben passed his life force into Rey, resulting in another immaculate conception, much like Anakin.

Rumour has it the child will be named Cade Skywalker, and will largely be based on the Legends character of the same name. If the Skywalker Saga continues, this could be a great take on it. Cade basically became the Captain Jack Sparrow of the Star Wars universe.

After he witnessed his parents death, he ceased his Jedi training to become a Death-Stick-addicted rogue. Working as a low-life smuggler, a pirate, and even a bounty hunter his adventures constantly brought him into conflict with both the Sith and the Jedi.

It's time to do something interesting with the Skywalker name, and Cade would be a good place to start.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.